AppFlood is one of the world’s largest programmatic mobile advertisement platform. They have all the market intelligence related to mobile telecom industry. And they have just released user analysis report for the last quarter of 2014.
Nearly every second Android user is an Asian. The report also confirmed that mobile traffic is growing at an enormous pace. The global mobile traffic in the last quarter of 2014 has grown by 30 percent compared to the previous quarter. And it grew more than a whopping 1095 percent compared to last year in 2013.
Asia is not the only continent leading the trends, developing countries of Latin America are also pacing up. 70 percent all new Android users are coming from either Asia or Latin America, which means that developing countries such as Pakistan are ruling the Android market.
Mobile traffic is likely to keep growing in emerging markets because more internet penetration and smartphones getting cheaper.
All images courtesy of AppFlood